Caroline Receveur announces on Instagram to suffer from breast cancer

“Enjoy! Life is short and unpredictable. It is with her hopeful words that influencer Caroline Receveur concludes the Instagram post announcing her breast cancer. The former reality TV star, who rose to prominence in Secret Story And Angels, announced to suffer from the disease at an “aggressive but discovered early” stage. A disease that she initially intended to keep secret – she had the announcement two months ago – before suffering from “this desired loneliness”. “It finally cuts me off from the rest of the world and adds weight to my daily life…”, she explains.

She had announced the cessation of her business several weeks ago, to “reconnect with important things”, leaving her fans – more than 5 million followers on Insta – in doubt and expectations. Fans that she wanted to reassure in her post of the day: “Know that despite everything, I’m fine. Hugo’s unfailing strength, love and optimism [son mari] make me apprehend each step with more lightness and laughter. »

49,000 cases each year in France

The carousel of photos and videos that accompanies her words on Instagram thus alternates between moments of sadness, in particular the loss of her hair, anger and videos of laughter and joy, showing the panel of feelings through which she goes. “I am in good hands, I have confidence, I am surrounded by the people I love and my healing is already programmed in my head and in my body”, she specifies.

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in France, behind prostate cancer. 49,000 new cases are discovered each year. “Wish me luck 🤞🏼”, she concludes. So good luck, good luck and good recovery!

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