Carnival: You should avoid these forbidden disguises

Fine of up to 10,000 euros
These disguises are forbidden at carnival

Disguises that look like real police uniforms are forbidden at carnival – these are real police officers (symbol image)

© Christoph Hardt/Geisler-Fotopres/ / Picture Alliance

Many revelers are in the middle of looking for costumes for carnival. But many do not know that some disguises are prohibited – sometimes even a high fine may be due. You should rather do without these disguises.

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Police, fire brigade, SEK and Co. – the uniforms of public authorities and organizations are popular disguises at carnival. But did you know that such a costume must clearly show that it is not a real uniform? This is to avoid confusion with real officials and security officers. The reverse also applies: If you are a police officer and want to throw yourself into the hustle and bustle after work, you must first take off your uniform.

Prohibited symbols on costumes

Certain highly symbolic marks, such as the swastika or the Victory Rune, as well as the Celtic Cross and the Triskele in certain contexts, are banned in Germany. This also applies to carnival! Even if you don’t share the ideas behind it and just want to make fun of it with your costume.

Real-looking weapon dummies

Swords, swords, pistols and machine guns – fake weapons are popular accessories at carnival. But the same applies here: be careful! As the website “” reports, dummies that look confusingly similar to real weapons are so-called “apparent weapons”. Anyone who takes them with them in public commits an administrative offense and thus risks a fine of up to 10,000 euros!, dhe, ckön

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