Carla Hinrichs: spokeswoman for the “last generation” sentenced in court

Carla Hinrichs defends herself in court
“Last Generation” spokeswoman convicted

Carla Hinrichs taped her hand to the street to demonstrate against the lack of climate policy. Now she stood before the court and was convicted.

© Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Carla Hinrichs, a prominent spokeswoman for the “Last Generation” was on trial for a past year’s climate-adhesive campaign. She defends herself. But that doesn’t help: the judge gives a harsh verdict.

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This time there is no spectacular protest action in court: The trial of Carla Hinrichs, spokeswoman for the “Last Generation”, is civilized on Thursday in Frankfurt. Unlike her climate activist colleague Henning Jeschke, who had glued his hand to a table during the hearing at his trial.

The 26-year-old is in court because she had lodged an objection to a penalty order from 2022. On April 12, 2022, Hinrichs and other climate activists got stuck on a busy street in Frankfurt’s banking district. There was a long traffic jam in the middle of the rush hour. Hinrichs is therefore sentenced to 60 daily rates of 30 euros each for coercion (i.e. 1,800 euros). The former law student doesn’t want to put up with that, hence the objection.

Carla Hinrichs on protest: “Somebody has to be the fire alarm when our house is on fire!”

The 26-year-old defended herself in court. She is quite capable of doing this, since she once studied law herself, but according to her own statements interrupted her studies because of her commitment to the climate group. One day before the trial, Hinrichs is nervous, as she writes on Twitter: “I’m going to bed nervous. Tomorrow I’ll defend myself in court for the first time. No lawyer, just the judge, prosecutor & I. I really hope that we in this crisis of the rule of law, where everything is at stake, we can unite in #LastGeneration.”

But Hinrich’s hope for a positive outcome in the process does not help: Even if she makes her determination clear shortly before the process: “Someone has to be the fire alarm if our house is on fire!”

Carla Hinrichs on the verdict: “It won’t stop me from continuing to take to the streets”

The judge sentenced Hinrichs to two months probation and 60 hours of community service for coercion. The probationary period is three years. So significantly more than the originally planned 1,800 euro fine. And: If Hinrichs violates her probation conditions, for example, receives another penalty order for a tape action, Hinrichs could even face a prison sentence.

In a tweet, Hinrichs expresses her incomprehension of the verdict: “Judgement: a road blockade = 2 months in prison. I opened my heart, told about the #climate catastrophe, which I’m afraid of. The judge made his decision when he was “completely sober”. met. Now more than ever: #Resistance”. In another tweet, she writes: “The rule of law is destroying itself.”

But the prospect of Hinrichs prison will probably not dissuade from the climate protest. In a video with Hinrichs, which was apparently recorded after the trial, the “Last Generation” even advertises Hinrichs’ conviction and wants to mobilize more people to join the climate protest: “It won’t stop me from continuing to take to the streets , because I know deep down that it’s the right thing to do. And I really wonder when you’ll get to it, “explains the 26-year-old with determination.


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