Cardi B reveals she doesn’t have a nanny to take care of her children

Cardi B assures her, she has never used the services of a nanny to take care of her children. A choice that was imposed by the force of things.

“There aren’t many artists who had babies at the start of their career,” the rapper said in an interview with vogue singapore. “I hadn’t released my first album when I found out I was pregnant. Everyone was very nervous about my career and my future, but I kept telling them, “It’s easy. Believe me, I’ll get a nanny and she’ll move in with me. It’s not going to be a headache.” »

But when her daughter Kulture was born, Cardi B couldn’t bring herself to put her in the arms of a nanny or even her own mother.

never far

“Your parents have already lived their lives and raised their children. They are older and no longer have the same energy as when they were 20 years old. I’m never far from my children because it’s my responsibility as a mother, “added Cardi B, explaining that she could not bear the idea of ​​​​having an outside person evolve within her. family.

This is why the artist continues to take care of her children herself and with the support of her husband Offset, whether it is Kulture (4 years old), or little Wave who will soon celebrate his first year.

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