Cardano Creator Supports Twitter for Free Speech Including the creation of a Tesla mobile

The story about Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter isn’t over yet, with the social media platform’s new owners recently speculating that Twitter’s mobile app may disappear from its stores. It’s ready to develop its own phone, and the creators of Cardano are backing the idea.

Rumors of Twitter’s removal of the mobile app surfaced, largely due to the platform’s rapidly changing rules and policies. But despite all the changes, the app’s most important metric remains unchanged, as Twitter reports that daily active users continue to break records on the site.

Charles Hoskinson said that “big tech companies” should not pressure companies and platforms by threatening to remove applications from their stores just because they have them. Previously, the creators of Cardano also supported the creation of a decentralized version of Twitter. However, since Elon Musk’s takeover, there hasn’t been much enthusiasm for any decentralized technology on the platform. Twitter

Musk has previously said that it is difficult to get the platform to work on a blockchain from a technical standpoint. Which is why adopting crypto doesn’t make sense. But this does not mean that operators will not accept certain cryptocurrencies as payment for services on the network, such as blue tick verification payments.

Cardano Creator Offers Musk Help Make Twitter More Blockchain-Friendly Meanwhile, Musk is poised to build his own “Tesla Phone” to avoid excessive restrictions from big tech companies and government regulators.

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