Card of Emmanuel Macron in Bordeaux, Marine Le Pen in the lead in several rural municipalities

It is not the big city of France where he achieved his best score, Paris, Rennes, Nantes, posting results beyond 80%. But Emmanuel Macron performed well in Bordeaux on Sunday evening for the second round of the Presidential, with 80.06%. It is better than in Toulouse (77.48%), Grenoble (78.74%) or Lille (76.56%), even if it is down in the Gironde capital compared to 2017 (85.92 %).

Above all, the outgoing president is doing well in the whole of the Bordeaux metropolitan area, since he comes first in 25 out of 28 cities. Only three small towns have placed Marine Le Pen in the lead, Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (57.11%), Ambès (57.08%), and Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand (53.82%). “Compared to the first round, this may seem surprising, analyzes political scientist Jean Petaux, however, the metropolis voted very overwhelmingly for Macron. »

“The electorate of Mélenchon did not really play the game”

The candidate of La République en Marche thus won 77.78% in Talence, 74.86% in Bouscat, 73.59% in Gradignan. “However, we can note interesting situations, points out Jean Petaux again, such as in Bègles where Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top in the first round, and where Emmanuel Macron achieves 72.25% in the second round, which is significantly less than what he could have taken into account the postponement of votes, this means that the electorate of Mélenchon, did not really play the game in a certain number of communes. On the right bank, in Cenon (68.64%), Floirac (65.32%), Lormont (63.30%), Bassens (55.74%), where Jean-Luc Mélenchon also came first in the first round, Emmanuel Macron is also not full of votes.

The result, however, remains unquestionable. Around the metropolis, the configuration is quite different. Even if Emmanuel Macron is in the lead in Gironde (61.37%), Marine Le Pen wins many rural municipalities, such as in Blayais and Libournais, in Blaye (50.58%), Saint-Savin (64%), Bégadan (66%), Braud-et-Saint-Louis (69.45%), and in the Médoc at Saint-Estèphe (65.82%), Lesparre (59.92%) or Pauillac (56%).

“There are still territories, with a high density of yellow vests, where the anti-system vote is very strong”, confirms Jean Petaux. Can this be reflected in the results of future legislative elections? The presidential results give Marine Le Pen the lead in a constituency, the 11th (Blayais), with 57.91%, out of the twelve in the department. But it is not far in the 5th, that of the Médoc, where it achieves 47.50%, and where it has progressed enormously compared to 2017.

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