Car toll: the public prosecutor is investigating against Andreas Scheuer – politics

The car toll was one of the most important projects that Andreas Scheuer pursued as Minister of Transport. The project was never successfully completed, but Scheuer now appears to be facing legal repercussions. Once again mirror reported, the Berlin public prosecutor’s office has started investigations against both the ex-transport minister and his then state secretary Gerhard Schulz.

The focus of the allegations are contradictory statements by the then ministry leadership and the bosses of the operating companies on the car toll before the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry of the Bundestag, which was supposed to clarify the affair. The accused are said to have “deliberately testified untruthfully in their testimony before the investigative committee,” said a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office. The background to this is several criminal charges that private individuals have filed against Scheuer and Schulz.

As the public prosecutor at the request of the mirrors announced that the Bundestag presidium had been “informed about the intended start of investigations with regard to Bundestag member Scheuer in accordance with the immunity regulations”. The procedure has been running since April 13, and Department 3 of the State Criminal Police Office, which is responsible for combating white-collar crime, has been commissioned to investigate.

According to the report, CSU politician Scheuer confirmed to the magazine that he had been informed about the initiation of the investigation against him and announced a statement on the allegations. His former Secretary of State Schulz was on the phone for the mirror not reachable.

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