Capping BioNTech deliveries: Germany has a luxury discussion


Status: 20.11.2021 8:19 p.m.

In Germany, the temporary cap on BioNTech deliveries is actually a source of excitement. But such a luxury discussion could stall the vaccination campaign again.

A comment by Uli Hauck, ARD capital studio

On Thursday, Chancellor Angela Merkel set the target: 27 million booster vaccinations by Christmas Eve alone. A mammoth task that can hardly be achieved. Because roughly 800,000 Germans would have to get their booster vaccinations in their arms every day until Christmas.

Then there are those who have come to their senses and are being vaccinated. Huge numbers – and yet Germany will have 50 million doses of mRNA vaccine available to all of these people who want to vaccinate by Christmas alone. 24 million doses of the popular BioNTech vaccine and 26 million doses of Moderna.

The Standing Vaccination Commission considers both mRNA vaccines to be equivalent for all over 30-year-olds. Cross-vaccinations are also possible. According to current studies, they could even increase the corona protection. So – unlike poorer countries – Germany has plenty of the best corona vaccine. And yet, despite full intensive care units and patients dying every day, we are leading the luxury discussion about the temporary limitation of BioNTech’s favorite German vaccine.

The timing could have been better

Temporarily a little less BioNTech so that the Moderna vaccine does not expire next year: This is an upset in Germany! Admittedly, the communication and timing of Health Minister Jens Spahn were at least unfortunate. And just through such luxury discussions, the vaccination train, which has just started again with difficulty, could come to a standstill again. But that would not be rationally comprehensible.

Criticism of Spahn’s Biontech lid: Germany has a luxury problem

Uli Hauck, ARD Berlin, November 20, 2021 7:48 p.m.

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