Candidates for Deggendorfer district administrator is running – Bavaria

The selection of candidates for the office of district administrator in the district of Deggendorf is underway. The long-standing incumbent Christian Bernreiter (CSU) moved to Munich in February as Minister of Construction and Transport. The former Minister of Science, Bernd Sibler, is running for the Christian Social Party to be the successor. The Plattlinger was recently nominated at the district delegates’ meeting. According to a spokesman for the authorities, the district election will take place on May 15th. The parliamentary groups in the Deggendorf district council have the opportunity to submit their candidates until March 24th at 6 p.m. According to the spokesman, the election committee will meet on April 5th.

With 25 seats, the CSU is the largest group in the district council, followed by the Free Voters with twelve seats. Their candidate is the mayor of the Lower Bavarian municipality of Bernried, Stefan Achatz. Thomas Müller from Stephansposching is running for the SPD, the Greens are sending Maren Lex from Hengersberg into the race, and the AfD nominated the state parliament member Katrin Ebner-Steiner from Metten. According to their own statements, the FDP and ÖDP do not want to put forward any candidates. Bernreiter was first elected district administrator in 2002 and president of the district council in 2014. In the course of his cabinet restructuring in February, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) brought the 57-year-old engineer to the Ministry of Construction and Transport in the state capital.

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