Canceled in 2020, the event will be back

In 2020, the health situation got the better of the Strasbourg Christmas market. Faced with the increase in the number of positive cases for Covid-19, the mayor of Strasbourg Jeanne Barseghian was forced to offer a version without a chalet and without merchants.

A year later, will there finally be a return to normalcy? This is what the city council’s announcement suggests on Monday evening during the city council. In her point of return, the elected official announced “the objective of guaranteeing the good performance of the Christmas market in its entirety” by specifying the dates of the event. It will run from November 26 to December 26.

“All the 2020 exhibitors who wished so have in fact been included for the 2021 edition”, also declared Jeanne Barseghian, adding that “the layout plan of each chalet” will be presented to the prefecture “at the end of the month. “.

Still too much vagueness deplores the opposition

The announcement provoked an ironic reaction from the opposition elected Pierre Jakubowicz, who deplores the absence, according to him, of communication and consultation on the part of the majority: “Today, we are in the dark on the overall organization, on the activities and on the different possible scenarios depending on the health situation. If we had not made an alert, we would probably have no information for elected officials and democratic representation before ten days (the date of the next municipal council). “

Words “which do not reflect the dozens and dozens of hours of consultation that have been at work for months,” assures Jeanne Barseghian.

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