Canada authorizes Medicago vaccine, the first designed in the country

Canada announced Thursday that it has approved the anti-Covid vaccine from the Canadian biopharmaceutical company Medicago and the British laboratory GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), making it the first designed in the country.

This vaccine called Covifenz is the sixth authorized for adults 18 years and older by Ottawa.

“After a thorough and independent scientific review of the evidence provided, the ministry has determined that the vaccine meets its rigorous requirements for safety, efficacy and quality,” the health ministry said in a statement.

A milestone for Canada’s biotechnology sector

“This is the very first covid vaccine developed by a Canadian company to be licensed, in addition to being the first using plant-based production technology,” he said.

The Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne, welcomed an “important step for the Canadian biotechnology sector and for local innovation”.

The approval of this vaccine marks an “important step for Canada in the fight against the pandemic”, declared by press release Takashi Nagao, CEO of the company Medicago whose head office is located in Quebec.

An order of up to 76 million doses

According to clinical trials, this vaccine is 71% effective in preventing symptomatic Covid-19​ and 100% effective in preventing serious illness.

The initial agreement between Ottawa and Medicago and GSK provides for an order of up to 76 million doses of this vaccine.

Some 90% of Canadian adults are already vaccinated against Covid-19. Since the start of the pandemic, more than 36,000 people have died.

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