Can you solve the logic puzzle? What hat is the ball hiding under?

Watch the video: Logic puzzle: Which hat is the ball under?

The claims:
Number 1: The ball is under this hat.
Number 2: The ball is not under this hat.
Number 3: The ball is not under hat 1.
Which hat is the ball you are looking for in? Remember, only one statement is true.
(give time)
Here is the resolution:
If the ball were under hat 1, statements 1 and 2 would be correct. However, there is only one true claim. The ball cannot therefore be under hat 1.
What about hat 3? If the ball were under hat 3, two assertions would also be true: assertions 2 and 3.
So: only hat 2 remains.
This means that only the third statement, namely “The ball is not under hat 1”, is correct.
Would you have known?

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