Can you bear its extraordinary duration of three hours twelve?

We have seen it and we confirm it to you: Avatar: The Waterway by James Cameron lasts well 3h12 (yes, yes, three hours twelve minutes). But don’t panic: “I think we had to take the time to tell this story and show the beauty of the planet Pandora,” James Cameron told 20 minutes. Of course, you have to be able to devote your morning, afternoon or evening to it, but these 3h12 of film, you don’t feel them passing. On the contrary, we savor them, provided we follow a few recommendations.

Be aware that it is “Avatar” that we are going to see

Avatarit is Avatar. This truism is, of course, a joke but it contains a fund of wisdom. The films are similar but Avatar 2 goes even further in immersion. The universe of James Cameron is very particular. Poetry tinged with humanism that one can, at your choice, find a tad corny or overwhelming and a very marked aesthetic. The film is a sum of the passions and obsessions of its author, between vertiginous pursuits, extra-large emotions, ecological message and breathless suspense. The hunt for a peaceful people by human soldiers ready to do whatever it takes to kill the hero contains these ingredients. Craving all of that is a good start to enjoying the movie.

Having seen the first “Avatar”

It is not essential, but it is a not insignificant “plus”. Being familiar with the characters portrayed by Zoe Saldana, Sam Worthington or Sigourney Weaver clearly increases the empathy of an audience who rediscovers them with happiness. The family of Jake Sully hunted by the very evil Miles Quarritch is even more endearing if we have already met them. The soldier’s desire for revenge is also understandable when one has lived through his previous adventures. Between the 14 million spectators who saw the film in 2009 and the 335,000 spectators who went there when the film was released on December 14, many people fall into this category.

Loving the “Avatar” universe

It’s not a good idea to buy cream pie when you don’t like cream or pie. If you found the first Avatar boring, that the world of Pandora seems absolutely ugly to you, that the color azure revolts you and that science fiction makes you want to take a nap, it may not be worth going to see The Way of the Water. Movie theaters are full of films that will more closely match your aspirations. This Wednesday, the comedy My heroine by Noémie Lefort on a young French director dreaming of meeting Julia Roberts is less blue but very amusing. Ernest and Celestine: The Journey to Charabie by Julien Chheng and Jean-Christophe Roger also brings a change of scenery and poetry by allowing you to find the bear and his favorite mouse.

Take precautions before seeing “Avatar”

Not everyone is a princess and three hours without a “pee break” can seem like a long time. It is therefore not recommended to drink two liters of soda or sip tea before the screening. It is, however, recommended to make a stop at the toilet before the screening. Especially since, as much of the action takes place in the water, cravings can arise unexpectedly. And you also have to make sure you’re not averse to 3D. Seeing this film “flat” would be more than a shame: almost a lack of taste as the film is designed to be seen on the largest screen possible to enjoy optimal relief and absolute immersion.

A little last recommendation for the road?

If our advice doesn’t scare you, you won’t hesitate to take the time to enjoy one of the most beautiful 3-Ds ever made. With its sublime images and its great feelings, Avatar: The Waterway invites you on a cinematic journey that goes beyond anything you could imagine.

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