Camilla meets her “The Crown” actress Emerald Fennell

Emerald Fennel
“If I fall off my chair, she can take over”: Camilla meets her “The Crown” actress

Duchess Camilla and actress Emerald Fennell

© Arthur Edwards/The Sun/Picture Alliance

Emerald Fennell plays the young Camilla Parker-Bowles in “The Crown.” The two of them met in London – and Prince Charles’ wife showed humor.

For International Women’s Day, Duchess Camilla welcomed a number of dedicated women to her London residence, Clarence House. Among those invited was actress and author Emerald Fennell. The 36-year-old embodies the young Camilla Parker-Bowles in the Netflix series “The Crown” – in this respect, the encounter between the two women was not uninteresting.

Fennell confessed to the British newspaper “The Telegraph”that she was quite excited. “I was afraid I might get thrown in the tower but so far so good,” joked the Brit, calling Camilla an “absolutely amazing person”. The wife of the heir to the throne, Prince Charles, has been involved in charities and projects that are primarily about women for many years.

Camilla’s humor and tears of the Ukrainian ambassador’s wife

Emerald Fennell also attested to Camilla’s ability to laugh at herself. “She’s been in the spotlight for so long and has always come through with a lot of grace and humor.” Camilla showed that she has a sense of humor during her speech. The 74-year-old said: “It’s reassuring to know that my fictional alter ego is here to take over if I suddenly fall out of my chair. So, Emerald, be ready!”

However, Fennell declined to reveal what she and Camilla talked about during their one-to-one conversation. “I’ll be very discreet,” said the Oscar winner, citing the British proverb “loose lips sink ships” (roughly: a loose mouth does great harm).

In addition to the funny ones, there were also very serious moments at the meeting. Also invited was Inna Prystaiko, the wife of the Ukrainian Ambassador to Great Britain. She reported tearfully about the war in her country. “Today there is no smile and peace, only horror and sadness in the eyes of every Ukrainian woman, mother and wife. We must count our death toll and see their frightened, crying children who are forced to leave their homes with their mothers and sisters to flee and leave their fathers behind to defend our country,” she said.

Camilla and Inna Prystaiko met last week at the Ukrainian Cathedral in London. When the ambassador’s wife broke down in tears, she hugged Camilla – contrary to protocol. After the meeting, it was revealed that Charles and Camilla had donated a “significant” amount of their personal wealth to Ukraine.

Source: “Daily Mail”


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