Camilla, from “Rottweiller” to future queen, or how Charles’ wife has restored her image over the years

Princess Diana nicknamed her “the Rottweiler”, while the British saw her as a marriage breaker. Camilla, the second wife of Prince Charles will have ended up restoring her image over the years. Elizabeth II spoke in a statement on Saturday of her “sincere wish” that she “be known as queen consort” when Charles inherits the throne.

It has not always been so. The Queen had not attended the civil wedding of Charles and Camilla in Windsor in 2005. Camilla, known since as the Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla had thus chosen not to use the title of Princess of Wales, too associated with Diana, for not offend the sensibilities of the public.

She gradually gained visibility, getting involved in subjects that are dear to her such as reading, violence against women or the defense of animals. Aged 74, she now provides almost daily commitments for the Crown.

Less than half of Britons want her to be queen

While her popularity has picked up, she remains one of the least liked members of the royal family, with less than 50% favorable opinions, according to a YouGov poll. Last year, in another survey, less than half of Britons said they wanted her to become queen. Many, however, recognize the positive impact she had on her husband.

Coming from the provincial upper middle class, she met the prince during a polo match in 1970. Without belonging to the great nobility, Camilla Shand then sailed in the same circles as Charles. Daughter of wealthy landowners, she was brought up in the best private establishments. First in London, then in France and Switzerland.

She even has some ties to the royal family. Great-granddaughter of Alice Keppel, one of King Edward VII’s mistresses, Charles’ great-great-grandfather, she would have used this anecdote to approach the prince in 1970, asking him if it ” would try” to follow in the family footsteps.

But their affair was short: Charles joined the Royal Navy and Camilla married one of her admirers, Major Andrew Parker Bowles.

Neat appearances

A few years later, she encouraged the Prince of Wales to marry Diana. But, while both are married, they resumed their affair. The press published some of their intimate phone conversations, adding to the unease.

With Charles and Diana’s divorce in 1996, Camilla was able to start showing up alongside Charles. But the death of the princess, in August 1997, sent her back into the shadows.

Prince Charles then embarked on a veritable campaign of seduction to get her accepted: Camilla’s appearances were carefully calibrated.

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