Camila Cabello: singer suffers from the paparazzi

Camila Cabello
Singer suffers from the paparazzi

Camila Cabello harshly criticizes the prevailing image of women.

© DFree/

Camila Cabello is frustrated by the paparazzi’s constant pursuit. She can no longer relax on the beach.

Camila Cabello (25) shares the fate of many famous stars of always being followed by paparazzi. Whether on vacation, strolling through town or shopping – photos are constantly being taken. The singer now has the frustration about it in an Instagram post expressed. “I’ve never had a worse time at the beach,” says the 25-year-old about her weekend.

In a special beach club in Miami, the singer is apparently often photographed. The paparazzi photographed her in a bikini. Each time Cabello felt “vulnerable and unprepared”. She later saw photos and comments online that made her “so angry”. Her self-esteem suffers from the fact that society has become so accustomed to an image “of what a ‘healthy’ woman’s body should look like”. However, this picture is “not real at all for many women”. She is a single woman in her 20s and wants “to feel like I’m ‘looking good'”.

Camila Cabello: “I wasn’t breathing and I hardly smiled”

Last weekend she put on a new bikini, applied lip gloss and ate “nothing too heavy” before going into the sea. “Because I knew it was going to be one photo shoot,” Cabello writes. “I tensed my stomach so tight my muscles ached, I wasn’t breathing and I hardly smiled.” She just “couldn’t relax”.

“We see pictures of women and we compliment them because they look good, because they’re fit or ‘healthy,'” she continues. “But what is health when you’re so obsessed with your looks that your mental health suffers and you can’t enjoy life?”

She wants to feel like her “seven-year-old self” again

The 25-year-old knows “that my appearance doesn’t decide how healthy, happy or sexy I am”. However, “the messages I get from our world are loud in my own head”. “All the therapy, all the inner work, is to make me feel like a seven-year-old girl on the beach again,” the singer writes. “I mourn her today.”


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