Called for EEG surcharge: “We urgently need relief”

Status: 01/29/2022 10:58 a.m

In view of high energy prices, there is increasing pressure to abolish the EEG surcharge earlier than planned. The Association of Towns and Municipalities is “urgently” demanding relief. Demands also come from business.

Due to the sharp rise in energy prices, Germany’s municipalities are calling for the electricity price surcharge for renewable energies (EEG surcharge) to be abolished earlier. “We urgently need relief,” said Gerd Landsberg, general manager of the German Association of Towns and Municipalities, of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. “In addition, an early abolition of the EEG surcharge should be examined.”

According to the Association of Towns and Municipalities, the abolition of the EEG would mean annual savings of around 150 euros for a four-person household with a consumption of 4000 kWh. Landsberg also called for an increase in the commuter allowance of five cents from the first kilometer.

Industry association calls for immediate abolition

The Association of the Chemical Industry (VCI) called for the immediate abolition of the levy. The end previously planned for 2023 is too late, said VCI general manager Wolfgang Große Entrup of the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. The current increase in costs is an existential threat, especially for medium-sized companies in the industry.

Criticism of the federal government’s approach comes from the CSU. Their regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt accused the traffic light coalition of leaving entrepreneurs out in the rain in the current exceptional situation. “Instead of relief, incentives and support, the traffic light reacts with further requirements and additional burdens. This is the wrong way,” Dobrindt told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”.

Habeck: Abolition will only dampen price increases

In the coalition agreement, the end of the levy is actually not planned until January 2023. However, the traffic light coalition had already declared that it wanted to discuss a quick abolition of the EEG surcharge. There is broad agreement about an early end.

Economics and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck said on Friday at the Green Party Congress that the planned abolition of the EEG surcharge will only dampen the increase. He sees an instrument against rising energy prices in the faster expansion of renewable energies. Further solutions must be found, which essentially lie in the expansion of renewable energies. “That’s what we were elected for.” In the end, green electricity is cheaper than electricity from fossil fuels.

Already halved at the beginning of the year

Habeck called the high energy prices a “real problem” for many people. Socio-political measures are necessary, such as the planned heating subsidy for housing benefit. Solutions must also be found for industry by reforming the Renewable Energy Sources Act.

At the beginning of the year, the EEG surcharge was almost halved to a good 3.72 cents per kilowatt hour using several billion euros of budgetary funds. However, it still makes up more than ten percent of the electricity price.

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