Call to strike at Pôle emploi on February 1

The Pôle Emploi inter-union calls for a strike on February 1 to demand in particular an increase in wages and better working conditions, we learned on Monday from a union source.

The call comes from the unions CFDT, CFE-CGC, CFTC, CGT, FO, SNAP, SNU-FSU, STC, SUD and UNSA of the public operator which has some 55,000 agents. In a joint press release dated January 7, these organizations say that the call to strike aims to “revalue wages and salaries”, “to stop the deterioration of working conditions” and “to restore meaning to work to improve quality. service to the public ”.

“Our salaries have stagnated for several years”

“Not a day without further price increases, especially energy, fuels, housing, spending constraints, when our salaries have stagnated for several years and when inflation reached 2.8% at the end of November 2021”, deplore the unions.

“Not a day without a new action plan, new government requirements, and always at a forced march”, they add, citing the plan for long-term job seekers presented at the end of September, the new employment contract young person (CEJ) and again the “reinforcement of the control of the research (employment) in a context of hardening of the rules of the unemployment insurance”.

A “loss of meaning at work”

“All this increases the workload and makes it more difficult to carry out our missions”, they say, denouncing a “devaluation” of qualifications and a “loss of meaning at work”, in view of the importance of the missions of Employment center. And to invite the agents to mobilize “massively to send a clear message”.

The last national movement of the same type at Pôle emploi dates back to November 20, 2018, according to a union official. The participation rate in the social movement, which aimed to protest against staff reductions, was then nearly 30%.

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