“Call Russia”, the phone campaign against Moscow propaganda

A group of Lithuanians on Tuesday launched a campaign of telephone calls to Russia to combat Moscow’s propaganda and thus contribute to the end of the war in Ukraine.

“Call Russia”

The “Call Russia” initiative should mobilize volunteers from the Russian and Russian-speaking diaspora to randomly call one of the 40 million telephone numbers in Russia made available to them on a website, which can also be consulted from a smartphone. Its promoters hope that these direct contacts will circumvent Russian propaganda and teach ordinary people what is really going on in Ukraine.

Breaking Russian Censorship

“It was horrible to hear reports about a woman under bombing in Kyiv while her mother in Moscow refused to believe it,” said one of the campaign’s initiators, Paulius Senuta, explaining his motivations. He hopes that “thousands, hundreds of thousands of Russian diaspora members” around the world will join the initiative and that sincere contacts between people can break the censorship of independent information in Russia.

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