Cabinet retreat: What further relief the Chancellor promises

When the traffic light coalition decides on the third relief package, it should send out a clear signal: the state doesn’t pay for everything, but it doesn’t leave the citizens alone. You never walk alone, that’s how the Chancellor put it. Various reliefs are under discussion, some of which were considered very likely even before the cabinet meeting began. An overview.

The signal that everyone immediately understands: more money in your pocket or on your account. That is why the SPD and the Greens are demanding further direct payments to as many recipients as possible: low-income earners, families, pensioners, students, trainees and the unemployed. Chancellor Olaf Scholz has his eye on those citizens to whom he promised more respect during the election campaign. This should now be redeemed in euros and cents. The chances are good, there is even approval from the opposition. CDU leader Friedrich Merz now says: “1000 euros in energy money for the incomes in the lower third would make more sense than 300 euros for everyone”.

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