Bypass Schwaberwegen: citizens’ meeting and question week – Ebersberg

In Forstinning, which is not exactly a huge town, there is more or less agreement on many questions. In one thing, however, it sometimes drives one or the other villager to blush with anger. The reason is one or two hectares of forest, which one or the other road planner intends to remove and replace with asphalt. Or to put it another way: In the Ebersberger forest, which borders on the Schwaberwegen district of Forstinning, a bypass road is to be cut. Will it come to that? New developments are to be expected in the near future.

Some call for a bypass, others want to prevent it. It is not possible to say with certainty who is in the majority. According to reports, however, there are only two opinions on the case, if you have an opinion on it. You’re either for the road or against it. This is exactly why the coming weeks and months should be interesting in Forstinning.

The town hall meeting is next week

The first reason for this assumption is the first citizens’ meeting in the village for about three years. This otherwise annual event could not take place for so long due to the restrictions in the corona pandemic. And so on Tuesday, July 12th, the first open debate took place between the mayor and moderator of the municipal council, Rupert Ostermair (CSU), and the citizens of Forstinning, who gathered on this occasion at 8 p.m. in the Rupert-Mayer-Haus on Graf-Sempt-Strasse 4 arrive.

In the fall, the exact date is said to be clarified, the next round will follow. Then, according to the plan, the planners of the construction project will come to Forstinning. For a week, employees of the Rosenheim road construction office will be available to the residents of Forstinning to listen to their concerns. For many reasons, however, the audition should not be held in the plenum in the style of a town meeting, but in person by appointment.

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