By suspending the policeman, Darmanin allows him to be paid

The shooting set France ablaze. Police officer Florian M. opened fire during a traffic check on Nahel, 17, causing his death on June 26. He has since been charged with intentional homicide and remanded in custody. But also suspended. However, as pointed out by our colleagues from Releasethis suspension allows the police officer to continue to receive remuneration.

Indeed, without administration suspension, Florian M. would be in “absence of service”. On June 29, three days after the events, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin issued an order stipulating that the policeman of the Hauts-de-Seine motorcycling company “is suspended from duty on full pay from the notification of the this order”.

“A measure of financial support”

The suspension is a precautionary measure which is not of a disciplinary nature. It makes it possible to dismiss an agent who is detrimental to the proper functioning of law enforcement. However, Florian M. cannot work and therefore disrupt police work. He is indeed in pre-trial detention. This suspension “intervenes” therefore “as a measure of financial support”, slips an official from Beauvau to our colleagues from Release.

The newspaper specifies that this measure is not a first for the Ministry of the Interior. Yann T., indicted after having shot a young man with an LBD shot in February 2020 and confused by a video, also benefited from a suspension which allowed him to continue to receive remuneration despite his indictment.

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