By showing cartoons at school, the MyClass platform offers to help students learn French

“I think it’s “their” without “s” because we only have one head,” proudly exclaims Dia, a CM2 student at Ronchèse primary school in Nice. With her classmates, she participates in the launch of the application MyClasscreated in Monaco, and approved by the National Education, which will be tested for the first time in France for two years in 53 CM1 and CM2 classes in Nice.

This platform makes it possible to “learn while having fun”, as the children say in chorus. Short sequences of cartoons are projected onto their board, lasting about ten minutes in total, so as not to be mistaken between “their” and “theirs”. “With this tool, we make children active, observe Emmanuel Asso and Pascale Campi, school teachers in Monaco who have been using MyClass for a year. It is not about putting students in front of a screen. We interact with them through the story. We see that they are motivated, focused and that they are progressing thanks to this system. The world of animation also allows you to identify and project yourself. »

Validated by National Education

This project, which has been developed over three years, has been validated by the National Education and is being built with teachers from the French education system. “They send us the exercises and the courses, we send them to the scriptwriters in Paris, then there is a new check before it is sent to production”, explains Philippe Denain, creator of MyClass. For the graphics, he collaborates with CGS Production, a specialist in cartoons, which has notably put into images the world of the cat Garfield.

The program is then delivered to schools with an educational guide and “a whole turnkey service”, specifies Tania Petitmengin, administrative director of the application. “We are focusing on education reinforced by digital technology. The new generation makes it impossible to remove the screen of the child who is absorbed by his tablet. We then give him the conjugation saga of MyClass and we thus propose a qualitative offer and content that will instruct him. »

By September, 40 lessons will be offered to reach 60 in December and have “all the fundamentals of learning French”. Then, it will be the turn of mathematics and foreign languages ​​to have their own animated series with the characters of MyClass.

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