BVB – Ex-Dortmund Leonardo Balerdi: Yellow wall not comparable with the support in Marseille

BVB – Ex-Dortmund Leonardo Balerdi: Yellow wall not comparable with the support in Marseille

Balerdi moved permanently from BVB to Marseille in the summer after his loan. Now he’s talking about differences.

Ex-Dortmund’s Leonardo Balerdi has praised the support of BVB fans, but does not consider them to be equivalent to that at Boca Juniors or Olympique Marseille. In addition, the 22-year-old defender spoke about the mentality in Germany and his move to Europe.

“The atmosphere is incredible. There are 83,000 spectators at every game,” said Balerdi in an interview with football about the support of BVB fans in Signal Iduna Park, which holds 81,000 spectators.

BVB – Balerdi: The mood of the Yellow Wall cannot be compared with Marseille

At his youth club Boca Juniors or his current employer, Olympique Marseille but the mood is even better. “You can’t compare it to the support in Argentina or Marseille,” he said: “But it’s definitely a nice stadium with an audience that sings a lot and supports the team.”

Balerdi has been active for Marseille since summer 2020 and has now established himself as a regular player there. He didn’t succeed in doing this at BVB before, but he still doesn’t regret his early move to Europe. “Sometimes I think that the move to Europe might come a little too early. But then I think about the fact that it also had its advantages. I now have two years more experience in Europe,” said the 22-year-old, who joined in 2019 19 came to Dortmund.

Balerdi feels more comfortable in Marseille than in Dortmund

He feels more comfortable in Marseille than before in Dortmund. “In Germany it was very different than here, especially when it comes to the mentality. Here it comes very close to the Argentine mentality – in football and in the way of life. I love the city. There are very beautiful places here and the climate is also good good, but that’s known anyway, “said Balerdi.

After a one-year loan to OM, it was not clear for a long time whether the French would sign him permanently or whether he would have to return to Dortmund. “Of course there was this uncertainty as to whether I would stay here or return to Dortmund. These things put me under a bit of pressure, but I think I did well,” said the central defender, who is happy that he finally joined “the club I want to be with”.


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