Buzluja Monument – the stranded concrete UFO in Bulgaria

It is one of the greatest monuments of socialism in the Eastern bloc: the Buzludscha monument on a lonely mountain in the Balkan mountains. It was inaugurated on this historic summit in 1981 to mark the 1300th anniversary of the founding of the Bulgarian state.

As early as 1868, rebel leader Chadschi Dimitar and his comrades-in-arms fought against Turkish-Ottoman foreign rule on the 1440 meter high Chadschi Dimitar. And in 1891, like-minded people met here for the Buzluja Congress, the constitutive meeting of the Bulgarian Social Democratic Labor Party.

The circular building was planned by the architect Georgi Stoilow and was only to be used as a congress center for a few years, before the power of the socialists in Bulgaria crumbled. Inside, mosaics adorn the walls, and the hammer and sickle are resplendent in golden colors under the ceiling.

But since the closure, which allegedly took place in 2010, the once magnificent socialist building, which is a prime example of the architectural epoch of brutalism, has fallen into disrepair. Access to the congress hall has not been possible for several years, the entrances are welded shut because of the risk of collapse.

The lonely monument not only attracts fans of Lost Places, but also producers of film and video productions. This is where director Dennis Gansel shot some scenes for the US-French action thriller “Mechanic: Resurrection”, which was also created here Video clip “All against all” by the Berlin hip-hop duo “Zuzüge Masculine”.

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