Buying a property: How to realistically calculate credit, repayment and interest

Thanks to very low interest rates, the dream of owning a home is now within reach for many. But this bet is dangerous, because just because you can borrow money cheaply doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. Home builders and homebuyers who then also agree on a short term for the loan in order to secure particularly favorable conditions are hit by the interest rate shock for the follow-up loan.

And just because the money is cheap doesn’t mean the real estate is cheap. The high prices in the metropolitan areas presuppose that the financial planning has been carried out realistically: How high are the interest rates, how high are the repayments? And when should you have paid off the property?

In our photo series we explain how to prepare with realistic planning. Above all, real estate buyers should keep an eye on the overall budget. If you can only just afford the property with the monthly loan repayment, this can be dangerous. Unemployment, disability or the care of a relative put a strain on the budget – and you can no longer afford the house. Provide a first orientation Budget calculator onlinethe banks, savings banks and provide credit intermediaries. It also takes into account how high the monthly expenses and charges are.


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