But what are the flagship measures of the candidates?

After a first round marked by a record abstention, place in the second round of regional elections. In Pays-de-la-Loire, four lists are still qualified: the LR list led by Christelle Mor Anglais, the environmentalist-PS list led by Matthieu Orphelin, the National Gathering led by Hervé Juvin and La République en Marche by François de Rugy. The candidates have spared no effort this week to publicize their programs, especially among voters who did not come last weekend. Update on the main measures.

Christelle Morancais (LR) fully for employment

Arriving at the top of the first round, the outgoing president of the regional council considers support for businesses and job creation like “the first of the battles”. This desire is reflected in the proposal of a “car at 1 euro per day for people in professional reintegration ”, assistance with childcare for single parents, speeding up business procedures, assistance with business transfer, or even through the project to facilitate reconversion of entrepreneurs in difficulty… Christelle Morancais is also betting on hydrogen as a fuel and pushing for the Pays-de-la-Loire to be leaders in this “sector of the future” with “thousands of jobs” by investing 100 million euros over the forthcoming mandate.

For health, she suggests “doctobus” to provide medical consultations in medical deserts. In terms of biodiversity, it proposes to plant 500 km of hedges along paths. Finally, even if this is not a specific competence of the region, Christelle Morancais wants to install cameras and intrusion alarms in all public high schools in the region.

Matthieu Orphelin (environmentalists) drives for the ecological transition

Second of the first round, the ecologist Matthieu Orphelin merged the next day with the socialist list of Guillaume Garot. Together, they are strongly committed to the ecological transition and thus promise “a billion euros of additional investment to renovate high schools and convert 100% of regional transport to renewable energies” In the same vein, they want to invest “25 million euros in relocation and ecological conversion projects ”or“ experimenting with an ecological transition income for retraining employees ”, not to mention an“ anti-bankruptcy fund ”for small businesses.

In health, Matthieu Orphelin plans to hire 180 doctors and nurses in advanced practices in sectors “lacking professionals”, as well as to train 2,000 additional nurses per year “to” compensate for the lack of nursing supervision “. Its list intends to propose a eat well voucher ”of 50 euros per month targeted initially towards the most precarious young people, and sports licenses at“ 10 euros for 15-25 year olds ”. Other ideas that stand out: the creation of ten new regional nature reserves by 2030, and that of a river ferry between Saint-Nazaire and Saint-Brévin, “dedicated to cyclists and pedestrians”.

Hervé Juvin (RN), premises and security

Disappointed by his score in the first round, Hervé Juvin intends to play spoilers on Sunday in this second round. Among its flagship measures, he promises a grant of “20,000 euros of equity” to a company that will hire a young person or to a young person who will create his company. He also proposes to “finance the replacement of their old vehicle” by a vehicle suitable for all “medical and public security personnel”, or to pay a grant for future doctors “committing to settle eight years in less in the region ”.

He also suggests organizing local initiative referendums on subjects falling under the responsibilities of the region in order to better “make the voice of the people of Niger heard”. Moreover, even if these are not the competences of the regional council, the National Gathering intends to significantly support the investments of local communities in terms of security, and to create two additional remand centers. In the same vein, he promises to support local associations fighting against wind turbine projects.

François de Rugy (LREM), “progress” through economy and ecology

Qualified narrowly for the second round, François de Rugy hopes to convince more voters this Sunday with his concept of a “region of all progress”. “Economic progress” would notably pass through the creation of a “regional popular savings account”, with a higher yield than the Livret A, the funds of which would make it possible to “primarily support the development and relocation” of the jobs of the future, or further acceleration of the deployment of 5G.

In terms of ecology, its list also provides for an “ecological and social bonus-malus for the allocation of aid to companies”, the “establishment of a regional scientific council to fight against global warming” and the doubling of expenditure related to the energy transition. François de Rugy also wants a single transport ticket valid for TER, coaches and urban networks, to finance regional agents to secure TER and high schools, to organize two major debates per year with the inhabitants, and to prevent the suicide a “great regional cause”.

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