“But I’ll find you a guy!” : Karine Le Marchand 100% cash in “An Intimate Ambition” against Le Pen, Hidalgo, Pécresse and the others

An evening that she does not hesitate to describe from the outset as “exceptional”. No immodesty, it is in front of the Pantheon that the presenter Karine Le Marchand launched this Sunday the “presidential 2022” version of “An Intimate Ambition”. A concept which, launched during the 2017 campaign with Fillon, Mélenchon, Sarkozy and others, had been accused of contributing to the “peopolization” of political life.

For this new opus, a strong bias: a 100% female cast with the candidates Anne Hidalgo (PS), Marine Le Pen (RN) and Valérie Pécresse (LR), as well as the macronist minister Marlène Schiappa, and the elected LR Rachida Dati. “For the first time, they opened the doors to their offices, their homes, their dailies. The opportunity to kill the clichés that systematically frame their reputations and to really discover which women are hiding behind the shell they had to create for themselves, ”trumpets Karine Le Marchand.

Marine Le Pen as a roommate

The star host of “Love is in the meadow”, who interviews political personalities at home or at their office, does not change her recipe: whether she is facing farmers or contenders at the Elysee Palace, she takes the stage, plays readily, talks to his interlocutors as to girlfriends, calls them by their first names, shows them videos of relatives, here swings a “But I’ll find you a guy” to Marine Le Pen, there a ” You are still enough poker face »To Anne Hidalgo.

The most amazing sequence? Undoubtedly the one dedicated to Marine Le Pen in which the RN candidate reveals living with her best friend, Ingrid, a childhood friend. A cohabitation between two mothers of grown children, which has lasted for five years. “She is like a sister (…). We make a great roommate at home, one does the shopping, the other cooks dinner. And Marine takes care of the garden very well, ”testifies the famous Ingrid in front of the camera. “There are no men in this house, only women, even cats are cats”, laughs the ex-president of the RN who admits to remotely monitoring her felines … thanks to cameras.

“Me, I find it super modern to live with your girlfriend”, smirks Karine Le Marchand who also returns with her guest on the front page of Playboy, in 1987, featuring, the mother of Marine Le Pen in underwear. “I lived it very badly, admits the candidate. But I don’t like to talk about it, because I know it hurts her ”. Sequence of emotion, syrupy music … Discovering that her guest had learned in the press that her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, had remarried, the presenter lets go: “You did not call him and tell him there, are you kidding? We are then quite far from the standards of political broadcasts. We get closer (a little) when the presenter titillates the ex-candidate on her failed debate during the 2017 presidential election. Before … commenting on the smell of cat turds which, according to Karine Le Marchand, ” must have eaten Ingrid’s pavlova ”. Embarrassed laughter from the boss of the RN.

Hidalgo “loves” Sarkozy “humanly”

The tone is a little more civilized, in any case less prank, with Anne Hidalgo who, laughing (or not …), told Karine Le Marchand to be ready to “submit to this televisual torture”. Filmed in her office as mayor of Paris, then in the family cradle in Andalusia, the socialist keeps a distance. Misery, exile, racism, workers’ life, Anne Hidalgo opens her family album to the presenter, but remains constantly in the political field, even in the confidence. When her husband, the former deputy Jean-Marc Germain, admits to doing “the cooking and shopping” while his wife “does the housework, the laundry”, “a very natural distribution”, it is also and above all for underline the couple’s feminist commitment.

Anne Hidalgo remains in control, even when she admits a certain “admiration”, potentially surprising, for Nicolas Sarkozy, after the former right-wing president praised the “resilience” of the PS candidate. “He’s a political beast, someone that humanly I love a lot,” says the elected Parisian.

When Chirac learned of the hugs at Pécresse

Nicely cooked by Karine Le Marchand on her image of “blonde from Versailles”, Valérie Pécresse plays the game and, very corporate towards M6, compares politics to the old house program, “Loft Story”. “There is the blonde, the brunette, the handsome kid and I have been typed as the classic girl, rather from Versailles. “Labels, the president of the Ile-de-France region prefer them in cheese factories. “Brie de Meaux is the fastest way to reach your heart”, confides her daughter, Emilie. “The piece of cheese with a glass of red wine, that will be her outlet,” confirms Jérome, her husband.

Tasty moment: the lesson of handshakes given by Jacques Chirac to the elected representative of Yvelines and reconstituted in front of the camera by Valérie Pécresse in a remake of the “hello” scene from “Itinerary of a spoiled child”. And this presidential advice that she recalls: “If you want to save your hands, kiss! »« And Valérie Pécresse, she kisses? », Hastens to ask Karine Le Marchand. “Valérie Pécresse, she kisses! “, Confirms, mockingly, the candidate for the LR nomination. The regional boss also looks back on the affair of her son who was controlled with a cannabis joint at the end of his engineering school. Convinced of a cabal and a leak in the press organized by her political enemies, Valérie Pécresse absorbs. “Everything that happened to him was because of me. There is not another child who has seen his name on all the news channels on repeat … “

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