Bushman: Waiting with compulsory vaccination – politics

The FDP continues to struggle for its position on compulsory vaccination. Shortly before the traditional Epiphany, Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann once again questioned the introduction of mandatory vaccinations on Tuesday. According to Buschmann, the virus variant Omikron could influence the decision for or against compulsory vaccination. “If there are reliable indications in February / March that the compulsory vaccination brings a significant increase in freedom for all of us, then there is much to be said for it,” said the FDP politician of the weekly newspaper The time. “If, on the other hand, vaccination should only help for two or three months in the foreseeable future, but otherwise everything basically stays as it is, then that speaks against compulsory vaccination.”

Baden-Württemberg’s FDP regional leader Michael Theurer has great doubts that a general vaccination requirement will convince anti-vaccination opponents of the correctness of the vaccination. The parliamentary group leader in the Stuttgart state parliament, Hans-Ulrich Rülke, sees it similarly: “The worst thing that can happen is a general vaccination requirement, which does not work and which is then used by lateral thinkers to say: Look here, this state makes decisions, which he cannot enforce, decisions that are misguided. “

Meanwhile, the number of infections continued to rise. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 30,561 new corona cases within one day. That’s 9,481 cases more than on Tuesday a week ago, when 21,080 positive tests were reported. The nationwide seven-day incidence rises to 239.9 from 232.4 the previous day. Most recently, the numbers have increased massively, especially in parts of northern and western Germany. The background is probably the spread of the Omikron variant from the corresponding neighboring countries. Bremen recorded the highest incidence value on Tuesday with 516.4. But the numbers are also increasing in Schleswig-Holstein to 295.9.

Other federal states are tightening their measures because the new variant is spreading further

Despite stricter corona rules, the state government in Kiel does not expect a trend reversal for the time being. “We are currently assuming that there will be a further significant increase in the number of infections in the next few days – as has already been the case in other countries where the Omikron variant dominates,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health. Head of department Heiner Garg (FDP) called for a special meeting of the federal and state health ministers this week. This is necessary before the Prime Minister’s Conference, for example, to agree on the shortening of the quarantine obligations for fully vaccinated people.

Hamburg’s red-green Senate also tightened the corona rules again on Tuesday. The previous 2G rules will largely be replaced by 2G plus. This applies to gastronomy, culture and indoor sports, but not to retail. Major events in professional sports such as the Bundesliga must also be held as ghost games in Hamburg in the future. So far there had been an exception regulation that deviated from the decision of the Prime Minister’s Conference. The seven-day incidence in Hamburg last rose to 463.3 – after 329.8 a week ago.

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