Burnout, stress, bullying and co .: 5 warning signs that you should not ignore

Sometimes it’s a new boss you don’t like or a strenuous project that isn’t running: Nobody is constantly highly motivated and always goes to work in a good mood. But mostly other factors such as nice colleagues, exciting work or (financial) appreciation compensate for demotivating factors in everyday work.

But what if that doesn’t happen? In a study, the Manpower recruitment agency found that 46 percent of those surveyed are ready for a job change. The most important reason why employees want to leave their old employer is salary (23 percent). But immediately after that, the reasons for termination are that performance is not recognized (17 percent) or the poor working atmosphere (14 percent).

Too bad a salary – that is certainly a good reason to quit. But creeping developments that place a heavy burden on employees are really dangerous. With certain signs you should ask yourself whether you want to and can endure it. Or whether the job makes you sick.


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