Bundestag election: Laschet presents new strategy – politics

The parties position themselves for the Bundestag election. Follow all developments in the news blog.

Union Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet wants to score points in the final spurt of the election campaign with five core topics, each of which is to be filled with one person. The core topics are “Climate-neutral industrialized country”, “Digital modernization of the state and economy”, “Relief of the social center”, “Strengthening the economic center” and “Security inside and outside”. In the next 14 days, the heads of the CDU and CSU, who are supposed to represent these topics, will also be presented.

Laschet said that he had always been a team player when asked why he was only now presenting experts on topics after corresponding demands. “We have strong minds in all areas of politics,” said Laschet. They also want to show these heads – unlike the SPD, which is currently hiding all heads. When it comes to climate change, unlike the Greens, they focus on innovation and incentives and not on bans, said Laschet. There was a consensus that the industry had to be transformed, but the question was how to do that, said the Union candidate. Instead of the previous six years, the approval of a wind turbine is to take six months in the future. There should also be interest-free loans from KfW for everyone who wants to buy a solar roof.

Andreas Jung, who should be responsible for climate protection, emphasized that the Union wants to achieve climate protection with innovations. There would have to be no bureaucratic hurdles to make photovoltaic systems on roofs more attractive. Wiebke Winter, also involved in the concept for the climate, named the replacement of old machine systems with newer and more efficient ones as an important step in the climate strategy. Thomas Heilmann said that the conversion of the economy must also be economically attractive, otherwise other countries like China could not be taken with you.

As the world reports, Laschet also wants to present a “100-day program” for the start of a government under Union leadership together with the CSU in mid-September. (08/30/2021)

Spahn calls for a change of strategy in the Union in the final spurt of the election campaign

The deputy CDU chairman Jens Spahn has called on the Union to change its strategy in the final spurt of the election campaign in view of the disastrous survey results. “We also need an election campaign that makes the differences clearer,” said the health minister on Sunday evening on Bild TV. In addition, he spoke out in favor of relying more on the team behind Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet.

“Whoever chooses CDU and CSU gets (Friedrich) Merz and (Markus) Söder, also Spahn and (Annegret) Kramp-Karrenbauer, also (Carsten) Linnemann and (Karl-Josef) Laumann and also (Dorothee) Bär and (Nadine ) Nice, “said Spahn. It is the strength of CDU boss Laschet, “to be able to put together a team, to be able to have strong minds even in the cabinet in the closest team”. In future, the Union must work out the differences more concisely: “Some want to introduce and increase taxes, we want to lower taxes. Climate protection through bans or climate protection through innovation? Multicultural or leading culture?”

The downward trend of the Union had solidified over the weekend, another survey saw the SPD with Chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz as the strongest force. In the weekly Sunday trend of the polling institute Insa for Picture on sunday the Social Democrats gained two percentage points. With 24 percent they are now well ahead of the Union, which only comes to 21 percent (minus 1). The value shown in the Sunday trend is the lowest that Insa has ever measured for the CDU / CSU. Spahn rejected the demand for the Union’s candidate for chancellor to change from Laschet to CSU boss Markus Söder. (08/30/2021)

Hans: Laschet has to present the government team

After weak polls, the Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans asked for Union Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet (both CDU) to present a team of possible ministers. “We must finally show what the Union stands for and with whom we want to shape the future of the country in addition to the candidate for chancellor,” said Hans der Rheinische Post.

In today’s ministerial ranks and at the top of the Bundestag faction, there are “many capable minds” who are believed to be responsible for the country. “I am a fan of saying who is on a team and who is on which topics before the election. I am sure that this will now be initiated,” said Hans.

Laschet is under pressure about four weeks before the general election because of the poor poll results from the Union. CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak stood behind him and ruled out an exchange of the candidate for chancellor. “The candidate question has long been decided, and we are now fighting together for our country so that it goes in the right direction. With Armin Laschet at the top and together with the CSU. We want to win together,” said Ziemiak New Osnabrück Newspaper. (08/27/2021)

Söder: Bavaria is not responsible for the surveys

CSU boss Markus Söder attributes the bad values ​​of the union mainly to the CDU. “Bavaria is not responsible for the polls,” said the Bavarian Prime Minister Passauer Neue Presse and the Danube Courier. He would “honestly wish” that more campaigns for Union Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet in the CDU. “We are fighting against this in Bavaria for the Union and have been campaigning for more commitment and commitment for weeks.” “One thing is clear: it will be really close now. That’s why we finally have to start fighting.

It’s all about everything, “he continued.” There is a risk of a left slide – regardless of whether through a traffic light or a left coalition: In the end there would be tax increases, economic disadvantages and uncertain times are printed and the election posters are pasted, so it makes no sense to talk about swapping candidates. ” (08/26/2021)

Swiss Post is preparing for more than 60 percent of postal voters

Deutsche Post DHL is assuming significantly more postal voters for this year’s general election than in the 2017 general election. “Postal voting can take on a large scale,” said Tobias Meyer, Board Member for Post and Parcel Germany, the newspapers of the Funke media group. The company is prepared for the fact that more than 60 percent of the voters can make use of the postal vote.

The Post Group Management Board expects a largely trouble-free process. “There will always be challenges somewhere that we have to face,” said Meyer. If, for example, a letter cannot be read automatically, it will be processed manually and delivered anyway. “We’ll have to see whether we can always do it on the same day. That is why it is important to observe the deadlines.” He advises voters who want to be on the safe side against sending the letters as registered mail. “The documents should be returned in the way they are intended, as the extradition procedures have been coordinated with the authorities.” (08/26/2021)


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