Bundestag debates prospects for farmers

As of: January 18, 2024 3:20 p.m

After the farmers’ protests, the traffic light coalition agreed on a roadmap for reforms. CDU leader Merz used the Bundestag debate to settle accounts with the government.

Carina Konrad is a farmer from the Hunsrück and FDP politician. She reads newspaper headlines in parliament: “Farmers protest against the federal government’s agricultural policy” “Tractors are rolling all over Germany.” “Tractor demonstration: farmers on the way”.

All of this, says Konrad, wasn’t in the newspaper this week, but in 2019. Their message: There was already a row with the farmers before the traffic light government. Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir from the Greens recalls that the ministry was run by the Union for 16 years.

Despite headwinds, Agriculture Minister Özdemir wants to continue introducing an animal welfare tax.

Özdemir promotes animal welfare donations

Nevertheless, now is not the time for blame, but for cross-party solidarity – for example on the animal welfare levy, which has been discussed for a long time. It’s only a few cents extra per kilo of meat, says Özdemir, even though he admits: “If the currywurst becomes a few cents more expensive, then the fear of a shitstorm is great.”

Nevertheless, in his view, this tax is finally needed to pay for better animal husbandry. Özdemir also announces that he will involve the cartel office to examine prices for agricultural products and the role of trade.

Criticism of key questions for future-proof Agriculture

After the massive farmer protests, the traffic light factions want to put together their plans for future-proof agriculture by the end of March and then decide on them by the summer. To do this, they have formulated key questions: for example, about reducing bureaucracy, alternative fuels and tax relief.

For CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt, this is a farce: “You have seven questions for the traffic light government. This is not an agricultural application, this is an agricultural policy insolvency application that they are submitting here.”

Dobrindt’s answer is: The subsidies for agricultural diesel should not be affected. The fact that the traffic light now wants to extend the deletion over three years is not enough for him: “Take back the tax increase and you will get peace in this country.”

It’s hard to imagine that the government coalition will go along with this. Agriculture Minister Özdemir once again called the current compromise fair and justifiable. The traffic light corrected an error and partially reduced the initially excessive burden on farmers.

Merz settles accounts with the government

One person caused unrest and many hecklers in the Bundestag: CDU leader Friedrich Merz. Because he spoke a lot about the traffic lights in general and hardly at all about agricultural policy: “You are governing against the majority of the population and voters in Germany.”

Migration policy, AfD ban, clientel politics: Merz went on a general attack. His accusation: The government is driving people into the arms of right-wing populists. SPD parliamentary group deputy Matthias Miersch countered this: “If you use a debate on agricultural policy to play up the issue of migration here, then that is more than strange.”

Miersch added: Yes, democracy is coming under pressure. But that is precisely why the opposition leader also has a great responsibility.

Kai Clement, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, January 18, 2024 2:32 p.m

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