Bundestag: code word for the householders: circus teacher

Code word for the householders: circus teacher

In the final round of the 2022 budget, the code word was “captain’s armband”. photo

© Ann-Marie Utz/dpa

There has to be a bit of fun: after the budget negotiations, the specialist politicians traditionally include a special word in their speeches. Many were able to master the creative challenge.

The housekeepers in The Bundestag is considered a tight-knit group across the borders of all factions. It is a tradition for these specialist politicians to agree on a code word during the final deliberations, which they incorporate into their speeches. For the 2024 budget it was: “Circus educator”.

The chairman of the budget committee, the CDU politician Helge Braun, said with regard to the difficult and long negotiations over the budget: “I thought that if you become chairman of the budget committee, then the professional qualification as an anesthetist and emergency medicine doctor is sufficient. I “For a time I had the feeling that several years of professional experience as a circus teacher wouldn’t have been bad.”

The SPD chief budget officer Dennis Rohde thanked the long-time former budget state secretary Werner Gatzer, who sometimes had to act “like a circus teacher” with state secretaries or ministers. AfD householder Peter Boehringer criticized the coalition’s spending policy and said it was almost logical that the traffic light also financed circus teachers.

At the final round of the 2022 budget in November 2022, the code word was “captain’s armband” – probably in reference to the debate about the “One Love” armband at the Football World Cup in Qatar.


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