Bundesliga: FC Bayern footballers secure the title

Seen from Cologne, FC Bayern’s campus stadium is ideal for packing a bowl on the way to Marienplatz – one that looks similar to the men’s championship trophy, but looks more like a hubcap than a salad bowl. It sparkled in the sun when Captain Lina Magull stretched it up, the men had formed a trellis towards the stage, they had also brought their bowls with them and had previously waved small, white flags on the grandstand saying “grow together” – grow together – stood. That’s how you imagine it in Munich, how things grow together: two bowls in one stadium, two championship titles in one weekend.

The atmosphere after the mercilessly sovereign 11:1 of the women against Turbine Potsdam was not 11:1-like, but this victory was to be expected, which was necessary to keep pursuers VfL Wolfsburg at a distance. But the win seemed to lift spirits at the club anyway. While the men had the feeling that they were somehow stuck in the mix with and despite their shells, the women’s Bundesliga season kept rolling along. All home games were won, the team remained unbeaten in 16 league games in a row.

“I’m very happy and also a bit relieved,” said coach Alexander Straus, who smelled strongly of wheat beer, after the game – it was the first year in Munich for the 47-year-old Norwegian, but he promptly formulated some statements typical of Bayern . “We’ll be better next year. And we’d love to do it again,” he said with a grin.

Despite the top defense, a defensive support from Bayern leaves the club

At first it seemed as if the men were stealing the show from the women on Sunday afternoon. Just as the players came onto the field for the last game of the season, the champions’ entourage from Cologne arrived, including the remaining top floor around President Herbert Hainer. They were just taking their seats when Laura Benkarth, Ivana Rudelić, Saki Kumagai and Emelyne Laurent were said goodbye on the lawn below – the latter hardly interested the numerous photographers and the surrounding spectators.

The Japanese Kumagai was dismissed with the words that she had been a defensive support, but also a goal threat. Appropriately, she of all people took the lead after four minutes and took the last bit of tension out of the championship question. In fact, the 32-year-old was an important factor in the team of new coach Alexander Straus: the team conceded a total of eight goals in 22 league games. After the many goals, the men paid their respects, clapped politely, while the women danced from stand to stand, Leroy Sané and a few others shot footballs into the audience.

With the 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam, a dinosaur says goodbye to the Bundesliga

A lot of important things fell by the wayside in view of Bayern’s master double. So it was also the last big working day for Karin Danner. She has been in a managerial position for 28 years, it is fair to say that the 64-year-old helped build German women’s football to a certain extent. And then of course there was the opponent Turbine Potsdam, the Dino, who now said goodbye, even if not completely without a song: a lonely drummer in the blue jersey and a handful of Brandenburg fans were left when that team started relegating which has offered top-flight football since 1979, when the GDR started determining the best in women’s football.

The men stand guard before the award ceremony.

(Photo: Johannes Simon/Getty Images)

In the meantime, the club has fallen victim to the rapid development: while Bayern, VfL Wolfsburg or 1. FFC Frankfurt (which merged with Eintracht) are building on the infrastructure of male professionals, this possibility did not exist in Brandenburg. There was a little consolation for the guest players, who patiently endured the award ceremony: Manuel Neuer was on the way to the dressing room, who had his picture taken with them, a smile flashed across their faces.

“We have taken into account that it will not be an easy season – new coach, new game idea,” said Bayern’s sporting director and successor to Danner, Bianca Rech. She announced further commitments for the coming days, the squad should be deeper, like you say so. This has already been announced for the men’s squad, but in a much more serious tone.

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