Bund Naturschutz discusses wind turbines in the forest – Ebersberg

Wind turbines and the energy transition in Bavaria are the focus of a virtual event to which the Ebersberg district association of the Bund Naturschutz (BN) is inviting this Monday, May 9th, at 6 p.m. First, Michael Remy, Energy and Climate Officer at BN Bayern, will speak on the subject of “Coping with the climate crisis – energy transition in Bavaria”, before Friederike Paster, lawyer and head of the “Construction and Environment” department in the Ebersberg District Office, will talk about the current status of the planned wind turbines in the Ebersberg Forest. A discussion is then scheduled. Interested parties can attend the event at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82933722570?pwd=SXVHQ09iRzIxT1M4Y21rQThCYmRldz09

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