Bund-Länder consultations: “Act of national solidarity”

Status: 02.12.2021 4:52 p.m.

The federal and state governments are increasing the pressure on unvaccinated people with strict rules. To break the fourth wave, an “act of national solidarity” is necessary. Unvaccinated people have to be prepared for a quasi-lockdown – also in their private lives.

The federal and state governments have agreed on stricter corona rules that should apply nationwide. These range from significant contact restrictions for those who have not been vaccinated and those who have not recovered to 2G regulations for visiting restaurants, cinemas, theaters and other leisure facilities. In addition, a current test – i.e. 2G plus – can be prescribed.

Even in shops – with the exception of those for daily needs such as groceries – only those who have been vaccinated or who have recovered now come. This is true regardless of the incidences. The shops must check that the rule is being observed.

“Situation very serious”

After the consultations with her designated successor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and the 16 prime ministers, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) spoke of an “act of national solidarity”. This is necessary to lower the infections and to relax the situation at the hospitals.

“You can see from the resolutions that we have understood that the situation is very serious,” said Merkel. The measures decided should be seen as “minimum standards” – the states could also go beyond them.

Since the Second World War there has not been a comparable situation in the health care system, said the chairman of the Prime Minister’s Conference, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU), with reference to the utilization of the intensive care units.

Matthias Deiß, ARD Berlin, on the resolutions of the Prime Minister’s Conference

Tagesschau 4:00 p.m., December 2nd, 2021

Müller: Unvaccinated people are responsible for the majority of infections

The group of the unvaccinated, which is clearly in the minority, is responsible for a clear majority of the infections, said Berlin’s Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD). “You have to react to that,” he added.

Scholz renewed the goal that there will be 30 million more corona vaccinations by Christmas. “It’s a big logistical challenge,” he said. Those who have not yet done so should bring themselves to be vaccinated.

General compulsory vaccination targeted for February

Scholz affirmed that there should be a facility-related vaccination requirement for employees in geriatric care and in clinics. The SPD politician also said that the Bundestag should vote on a general vaccination requirement. “From my point of view, there should also be such a decision by the Bundestag,” said Scholz. According to the federal-state resolution, the target is compulsory vaccination from around February 2022. The ethics council should develop recommendations on this by the end of the year.

Dentists and pharmacists are allowed to vaccinate

To contain the pandemic, dentists, pharmacists and nursing staff should also be allowed to vaccinate against the virus in the future. According to the decision, the federal government will significantly expand the group of authorized persons.

The Bund-Länder-Round also decided to significantly reduce the number of spectators for national sports, cultural and similar large-scale events.

In future, a maximum of 30 to 50 percent of the space can be used. However, there may be a maximum of 5,000 visitors indoors and a maximum of 15,000 outdoors. For the time being, there will no longer be full football stadiums, as in some cases last weekend.

Quasi-lockdown for non-vaccinated people

According to the resolution, private gatherings in public or private spaces in which non-vaccinated and unconcealed people take part are to be limited to one’s own household and a maximum of two people from another household. Children up to the age of 14 are exempt from this.

Spouses or partners in a cohabiting partnership are considered to be one household even if they do not have a common place of residence. The regulation does not apply to private gatherings in which only vaccinated and convalescents take part.

No firecrackers on New Year’s Eve

In circles with a seven-day incidence of more than 350, a limit of 50 people (vaccinated and convalescent) indoors and 200 people (vaccinated and convalescent) outdoors applies to private celebrations and gatherings.

The sale of firecrackers and fireworks on New Year’s Eve will be banned this year – as it was last year. There should also be a ban on fireworks in particularly popular places. For affected companies, compensation is provided as part of the planned economic aid.

It was also agreed that clubs and discos must be closed if there are high numbers of corona infections due to the risk of infection. This applies at the latest from an incidence of 350 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. In schools, a mask is generally required for all grades.

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