Bullets, military helicopters and rockets in the sky: China is launching large-scale military maneuvers off Taiwan’s coast – Politics

One day after US top politician Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, China reacted by launching its largest-ever military maneuvers off the Taiwanese coast. According to Taiwanese sources, the Chinese army fired several rockets during the exercises on Thursday.

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The fighter planes and ships involved came within 20 kilometers of the Taiwanese coast. Taipei condemned the drills as a threat to regional peace.

The Chinese military confirmed drills for “a conventional missile attack in multiple locations and with multiple types of weapons” off the coast of Taiwan. All of the missiles “hit their target precisely” and tested “hitting accuracy and area defense capability.”

Various reports on military operations

Taipei spoke of “irrational actions that undermine peace in the region”. China has launched 11 Dongfeng ballistic missiles, Taiwan’s government said. She gave no details on where the missiles landed and whether they flew over the island.

Japan said it had spotted nine missiles, four of which appear to have passed over Taiwan’s main island. The Ministry of Defense in Tokyo announced that five missiles had landed in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off the Japanese coast. Japan’s Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi called on China to stop the maneuvers immediately.

Tourists observe bullet marks in the sky from Pingtan Island in China.Photo: AFP/Hector Retamal

AFP journalists on the border island of Pingtan saw several small projectiles in the sky. Five military helicopters were spotted at relatively low altitude near a popular vacation spot in mainland China, across from Taiwan.

Discussion planned between Japan and Pelosi

Japan pointed out that China’s maneuvers are taking place in an area that overlaps with Japan’s economic zone during US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan on Wednesday.

Pelosi plans to hold talks with the government in Tokyo on Friday. Japan is a key Washington ally. The USA is also Japan’s protecting power.

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