Building refurbishment: a fresh start with the KfW funding program |

As of: 02/16/2022 9:33 p.m

The KfW funding program for energy-efficient building refurbishment, which was stopped in January, can apparently start again next week. According to media reports, the budget committee approved the corresponding funds.

According to media reports, the stopped KfW funding program for energy-efficient building refurbishment can start again next week. As initially reported by the editorial network Germany (RND), the budget committee has approved 9.5 billion euros to enable a resumption. Approval from the Ministry of Finance is required. However, this is considered a mere formality.

The additional federal funds are required so that the state-owned KfW bank can process and, if necessary, approve the applications received by the end of January when the three funding programs for energy-efficient buildings are stopped. According to the RND report, the funds approved by the budget committee are so generous that the suspended rehabilitation funding can be resumed. This means that new applications for renovation funding could be submitted as early as next week.

New funding program to come

According to the report, however, the new building subsidy program according to the so-called efficiency house level 55 will only be processed. For the stricter efficiency house level 40, the ministries of economics and construction are already working on a new subsidy program that will be limited in time and capped at one billion euros.

On January 24, the federal government announced that the current promotional programs of the state KfW would be stopped with immediate effect due to a lack of funds. A few days later, it was said that all eligible applications that had been submitted up to the stop would still be decided.

At the same time, Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck announced that funding for energy-efficient building refurbishment would be resumed as soon as possible, as well as an interim solution for the funding of new buildings with efficiency house level 40. For 2023, the federal government is planning a fundamental realignment of funding. The future “climate-friendly construction” program is about setting up “an ambitious, holistically oriented promotion for new buildings in terms of climate policy,” explained the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

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