Building Energy Act: City day for longer deadlines for heating replacement

Status: 04/19/2023 04:17 am

Before the Federal Cabinet meeting, the German Association of Cities called for improvements to the plans for replacing the heating system – for example longer transition periods. SPD leader Klingbeil indicated “massive” aid payments.

The federal cabinet is currently dealing with the reform of the Building Energy Act and with it the plans for the large-scale replacement of heating systems. According to the plans of the federal government, from next year every newly installed heating system should be operated with 65 percent renewable energy. This is intended to herald the departure from gas and oil heating systems.

Shortly before the cabinet meeting, the German Association of Cities called for improvements. Managing Director Helmut Dedy told the dpa news agency: “We know that we now have to set the course for a climate-neutral heat supply. But the goals, no matter how right, will come to nothing if craftsmen and suitable heating systems are missing, deadlines are too tight and costs are high fast and that the people as a whole are overwhelmed.”

It is important for the cities that the path to a climate-neutral heat supply can be followed with feasible deadlines and a technology mix.

Worry about old properties

“For many residential areas, especially in new buildings, the heat pump is a good option. Our concern is the many millions of existing houses. Because a heat pump currently only works efficiently in well-insulated buildings,” emphasized Dedy.

Old houses need new windows, insulated facades and roofs, large heating surfaces in the floor or walls and affordable electricity prices. “All this will not be possible everywhere. And certainly not in a short time.” Dedy therefore called for longer transition periods.

Klingbeil indicates “massive” help

SPD chairman Lars Klingbeil promised extensive payments for property owners and tenants. He told the “Bild” that climate protection and social justice only go together: “That’s why we will spend massive amounts of money to promote the switch to heating.”

The Greens parliamentary group leader in the Bundestag, Julia Verlinden, was also confident that a good solution would be worked out “to continue to support people in the future with replacing their heating systems and increasing energy efficiency”.

“No one should be overwhelmed”

The Union called for reliable funding for heating conversion. “No one should be overwhelmed by new requirements,” said CDU politician Andreas Jung of the Funke media group. In addition, there should be tax incentives not only for owner-occupied apartments, but also for rentals and businesses. “From the point of view of climate protection, it is the reduction of carbon dioxide that matters, not the type of use,” said Jung.

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