Building and living – bicycle garages in the front yard – Munich district

The city of Unterschleißheim accommodates all those who like to ride a bike and also want to have a place to park their vehicle in front of their house. The building committee of the city council has therefore decided that the administration will turn a blind eye to existing buildings in the future and thus make it possible to create bicycle parking facilities in front of row houses, for example. These can be up to five square meters in size and the requirements of the development plan can be exceeded if at least half of the front garden is still unsealed at the end. The number of cyclists is increasing in Unterschleißheim. The city administration registers this and is increasingly faced with inquiries to create storage areas and sheds for the bicycles in the residential buildings. So far, however, approval has often not even been possible due to the requirements in the development plans. In many terraced houses, the base area has already been exceeded, it is said. In order not to have to make many individual decisions in the future, the city has now decided on a more flexible regulation.

Of course, this again reaches limits when it comes to the desire for the least possible sealing of surfaces. One would not find a solution for all problems, said a representative from the building authority when it came up. Bernd Knatz (ÖDP) asked what they intend to do when the front yard is already covered with paving. The building authority will then continue to act according to its discretion. For some years now, bicycle parking regulations have been regulating what is permitted and required for new buildings.


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