Budget crisis: A coalition is looking for an emergency solution – politics

The SPD is vehemently calling for the debt brake to be suspended in 2024 as well. But the FDP doesn’t want to know anything about it; difficult negotiations lie ahead. How does the traffic light coalition get out of this situation?

December is traditionally a groundbreaking month for the SPD. “Nikolaus is Groko-Aus” was the battle cry of the Jusos in 2019, and the end of the coalition with the CDU/CSU was only averted with great difficulty. In 2021, shortly after Nicholas, the “Groko” came to an end and the traffic light coalition under Chancellor Olaf Scholz started work. Two years later, this government is now on the rocks. And if SPD leaders Lars Klingbeil and Saskia Esken have their way, the decision on the 2024 federal budget should be made before Christmas.

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