Bruno Le Maire’s announcements on the government’s budget in 2023

The Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire unveiled the main lines of the 2023 budget on Monday. According to him, “France is to the nearest euro” and therefore cautious about any new expenditure. 20 minutes provides you with an update on the Minister’s main announcements.

Increase in teachers’ salaries

An envelope of 935 million euros is provided for in the 2023 budget to finance an “unprecedented” increase in teachers’ salaries, with a “base of 10% on average” and increases to pay for additional tasks, according to Bercy budget documents .

In addition, an envelope of 1.7 billion euros is allocated to finance the increase in the index point on July 1, 2022 for all ministry staff. In total, the credits for school education are up by 3.7 billion euros.

10,764 additional civil servant positions

The government plans 10,764 additional civil servant positions for the State and its operators in 2023 against only 294 planned in 2022, according to the draft budget presented on Monday. The Minister of the Interior and Overseas will gain 3,109 positions, that of Justice 2,313 positions and National Education 2,000 positions, details the document.

The good share of fossil fuels

The 2023 budget “still leans a little too much on the side of fossil fuels” because the government has chosen to “protect” the French in the face of the energy crisis, acknowledged the Minister of the Economy. “There is a lot of expense for the gas bill,” he explained, adding that this “can only strengthen our resolve to accelerate the climate transition.”

However, France will cease at the end of 2022 to grant export guarantees for new fossil fuel exploitation projects, according to the text of the finance bill for 2023 presented Monday in Council ministers, thus confirming a commitment made at COP 26 in Glasgow.

5,900 accommodation places for refugees and asylum seekers

The government will create 5,900 accommodation places dedicated to refugees and asylum seekers in various reception and emergency accommodation centers, according to the draft 2023 budget unveiled on Monday and which provides for a 6% increase in “immigration, asylum and integration” envelope.

The appropriations for this mission increase by 113 million euros compared to 2022 to reach 2.01 billion euros and must in particular allow the opening of 2,500 places in reception centers for asylum seekers, according to budget documents. from Bercy. By 2022, 900 additional accommodation places had been created.

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