Bruno Le Maire calls for “liberating” depots and refineries

I am asking you to stop. The Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire raised his voice on Monday, saying that it was necessary to “liberate fuel depots and refineries” blocked by strikers for nearly three weeks. In the wake of these declarations, the Ministry of Energy Transition announced new requisitions of personnel in the depots of Feyzin (Rhône) and Mardyck (Nord).

“The time for negotiation has passed. There was a negotiation, there was an agreement, that means that force must remain with the majority vote, ”said Bruno Le Maire at the microphone of BFMTV, in reference to the agreement concluded last week. between TotalEnergies and two majority unions, but which the CGT rejects.

“Unacceptable and illegitimate”

The strike in the French refineries of TotalEnergies was renewed Monday on five sites, indicated the CGT coordinator for the group, Eric Sellini. “It is unacceptable and it is illegitimate”, judged Bruno Le Maire, adding that it was necessary “to release the fuel depots, to release the refineries which are blocked and to use the means of the requisition”.

Last week, the government had already requisitioned employees of several fuel depots to relieve the pressure on service stations, of which more than 30.1% were still in difficulty of supply Sunday evening, out of stock for at least a product.

Bruno Le Maire spoke of a “reduced impact” for the day on Monday. “Our country needs firmness and authority, that’s how we will restore order”, he hammered on BFMTV, adding that the CGT deserved “a bad point” for “blocking the country “.

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