Broccoli, semi-permanent… On the networks, all means are good to create fake freckles

If genetics haven’t been kind enough to you regarding freckles, that’s no longer a problem, TikTok creates them for you. After all, you are never better served than by yourself. This aesthetic trend did not see the light of day yesterday, on the contrary, many tips follow one another, aimed at creating or accentuating these initially natural ephelides.

The latest “beauty hacks” to do this: cosmetics or semi-permanent makeup, sometimes expensive. As a more recent DIY alternative: broccoli, diverted in spite of itself, as an ultra-trendy beauty accessory.

Broccoli, the new freckle effect powder

Socks to curl your hair or even vaseline as mascara… The list of products misused without their consent is long. On TikTok, it’s vegetables’ turn to be popular. Who would’ve believed that ?

Under the hashtag #broccolifeckles, broccoli, reconverted into a cardboard makeup sponge to create fake freckles with a natural finish, in a single step. Something that is not necessarily the case with henna or hair sprays used for this purpose (as was the case for L’Oréal Magic Touch), or other tips. With this technique, you just need to put a brown color on the head of your broccoli (tan, lipstick, as long as the shade is much darker than its skin tone) Then, as with a powder puff, press the material on the area desired.

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Obviously, used broccoli is not thrown away but rinsed after use. “I washed the broccoli and made it into soup. I didn’t waste it, guys, relax,” reassures influencer@abis_skincare in response to suspicions of food waste.

Semi-permanent makeup, the sustainable alternative

“I was bullied so much as a kid because I had freckles…And now I see these types of videos all the time. LOL, why didn’t anyone want it in the 1990s? », Comments with humor a tiktoker. 34 years later, moles are indeed at the top of trends, every year! As proof, let’s recall the “strawberry make-up” fashion launched by Hailey Bieber in 2023. This consisted (again) of accentuating freckles.

And when filters, henna or broccoli are no longer enough, semi-permanent makeup steps in to offer sustainable alternatives. “This technique is successful with people who want to spend less time in the morning on makeup, which is only ephemeral,” tells 20 minutes Gaëlle Boulanger, founder of the Gaëlle B. semi-permanent makeup institutes.

On the same model as tattoos, the practitioner inserts pigments into the skin whose color is defined according to the client’s complexion. But to avoid a color that turns orange or other misfortunes, the professional recalls the need to turn to a qualified person, who has, among other things, non-allergenic pigments.

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