Britt Hagedorn and Co.: What the talk show legends are doing today

The talk show category is now also involved in the wave of nostalgia on German TV. What are Britt Hagedorn, Vera Int-Veen and Co. doing today?

The wave of nostalgia in the German television landscape continues. In addition to various game and court shows, the talk show category now also seems to be involved. For example, “Britt – the talk at one” could soon celebrate a comeback. According to the “Bild” newspaper the show with Britt Hagedorn (50), which was very popular in the 2000s, returns on October 10 with new episodes on Sat.1. What happened to the talk show host and her former colleagues?

Britt Haedorn

From 2001 to 2013, the talk show “Britt – der Talk um eins” was on the lunchtime program for many people. The program usually ran from Monday to Friday at 1 p.m. on Sat.1 – and was popular with both adult viewers and many young people. The show was the first big success for presenter Britt Hagedorn. In the 2000s and 2010s, the native of Hamburg was an integral part of the German TV world and even then she never completely disappeared from the scene.

Between 2010 and 2012, Hagedorn also moderated the Sat.1 game show “Mein Mann kann” and from 2017 to 2018 the advice format “Totally healthy!”. But the talk show host was also convincing as an early riser: In 2003 she stood in for four months as a parental leave substitute on “Sat.1-Frühstücksfernsehen”. She also hosted “Weck Up” between 2006 and 2007.

Her morning show experiences have recently come in handy again. Hagedorn has been presenting “Frühstücksfernsehen am Sonntag” on Sat.1 since the end of May – and thus celebrated a comeback on the private broadcaster nine years after the end of “Britt – der Talk um eins”.

In the meantime, Hagedorn switched to the fashion industry and designed his own line for the teleshopping channel HSE. In June 2006 she also had herself photographed for the men’s magazine “Playboy”.

Vera Int-Veen

Vera Int-Veen (54) celebrated her success as a talk show host in the 90s with her daily talk show “Vera am Mittag”. From 1996 to 2006, around 2,064 episodes of her show flickered across TV screens. Then you saw her in the guessing show “What am I?” (2000-2004) and in the program “Glück-Wunsch! – Vera makes dreams come true” before trying to be a matchmaker.

From 2007 to 2021, Int-Veen helped desperate single men, most of whom still lived with their mothers, in the RTL docu-soap “Schwiegertochter sucht” in their search for great love. At the same time, she also ran the program “Helfer mit Herz”. In March 2022, the big shock for many TV fans: Int-Veen announced the end of her television career. On Instagram, however, she explained that she did not want to be lazy. The presenter and her wife Christine have “enough to do”, there are “always new projects”.

Hans Meiser

The talk show hype started with him back then: Hans Meiser (75) and his program of the same name were broadcast daily from 4 p.m. on RTL from September 1992. At the time, the talk show had a market share of up to 40 percent. From 1984 to 1992, Meiser also ran the news program “7 vor 7”, which was renamed “RTL aktuell” in 1988. Until 2010 he also moderated the breakdown show “Life! Stupid” with Birgit Schrowange (64). A job as a quizmaster followed with the show Einundzwanzig in the early 2000s. However, as of 2010, his contracts with RTL were not renewed. What happened to the talk show host?

From 2015, Meiser first appeared in Jan Böhmermann’s (41) “Neo Magazin Royale” before he was kicked out in 2017. The reason: Meiser worked for the “” website – a portal for conspiracy theorists. The moderator then had to deal with a lot of public criticism. Today, Meiser primarily works as a producer and also works as a TV and media trainer.

Sonja Zietlow

She is known today as the face of the RTL jungle camp. However, Sonja Zietlow’s (54) career began as a talk show host on Sat.1. Her talk show “Sonja” ran from 1997 to 2001 – and sometimes had higher ratings than Hans Meiser’s show. The show was discontinued at the beginning of the 2000s when she switched to RTL.

Since 2004, the moderator has always traveled to Australia at the beginning of the year, where she was featured in the cult reality format “I’m a star – get me out of here!” leads – initially alongside Dirk Bach (1961-2012), then with Daniel Hartwich (43) and from next year with Jan Köppen (39).

However, Zietlow remained open to other formats over the years, including being the face of the ranking show “Die 25…” on RTL. In addition, she did not shy away from competing as a candidate in TV competitions such as “The Masked Singer” or “Beat the Star”.

Ricky Harris

Although his show “Ricky!” only ran for a year on Sat.1, Ricky Harris (60) made himself popular as a talk show host in the 90s. After the end of his format, however, it became quiet about the native American.

He initially worked for five years as a lifeguard at the Bad Wörishofen thermal baths. In 2016 he got involved in the RTL jungle camp and thus got more media presence again. Harris also released two singles, “Total Escalation” and “I Give You a Unicorn”. By the way: His son Malik Harris (24), born in 1997, represented Germany at the ESC in 2022.

Oliver Geissen

He is an integral part of RTL. Oliver Geissen’s (52) career began at the end of the 90s with the daily talk show “The Oliver Geissen Show”. With the best prerequisites in terms of patience and rhetoric, he then qualified for the moderation position on “Big Brother”.

His “Ultimate Chartshow” has had a permanent place in the RTL program since 2003, as has the casting show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”, which Geissen moderated from 2015 to 2019 and again in 2021. He also ran the “RTL Comedy Grand Prix” for four years.

Jörg Pilawa

The list of Jörg Pilawas (56) moderation jobs never ends. His career got rolling in 1994 with the talk show “2 versus 2” on ProSieben. But in the same year he switched to Sat.1 with his own talk show and “Die Quiz Show”. In 2001, Pilawa was finally hired by ARD, where he initially took on the role of matchmaker in the flirting show “Herzblatt”.

For many years he remained loyal to public broadcasters and presented various quiz formats, including “Quizduell”, “Quiz without borders” or the “NDR Quizshow”. The big news came in early 2022: Pilawa switched back to Sat.1. Since then, however, he has continued to hold the position of quiz master at the private broadcaster.

Arabella Kiesbauer

In the 90s, she was an integral part of the German television landscape: Arabella Kiesbauer (53) moderated her talk show “Arabella” on ProSieben from 1994 to 2004. A complete success for the native Austrian. From 1996 she even got a late night show: the “Arabella Night”. What goes through her head when she watches old episodes of herself? “I smile and also think of the good old days,” she said in an interview with spot on news.

To this day, the Viennese has landed successful moderation jobs. Kiesbauer has moderated the Austrian version of “Bauer sucht Frau” and “The Masked Singer” since 2014. In 2015 she led through the “Eurovision Song Contest”.

Kiesbauer has been on German television again since September 2021 – with two crime programs on cable channel TLC. “Arabella’s Crime Time” is about original recordings and eyewitness accounts of real crimes that are shown and classified by Kiesbauer. “Arabella’s Crime Time – Chaos in Court” deals with the sometimes extreme occurrences in American courtrooms.

Baerbel Schäfer

In the 90s and early 2000s, Bärbel Schäfer (58) was also one of the country’s best-known talk show hosts. In her talk show “Bärbel Schäfer” she regularly supported her guests with advice and action for seven years. In 1996 she was awarded the Golden Camera for this.

After the end of the program, Schäfer devoted himself to other shows, especially for public broadcasters. Including “Wellness TV” in the first and “A red carpet for…” in the WDR. After that, the 58-year-old also made a name for herself as an author and has published a total of nine works since 2005.

Today you hear Schäfer more than you see. Since 2009 she has regularly presented her own radio show on the hr3 station. There she regularly talks to stars like Judith Rakers (46) about her everyday life.

Andreas Tuerck

Andreas Türck’s (53) talk show of the same name was often emotional from 1998 to 2002. However, just two years later, the talk show host was accused and charged with rape, but was acquitted in 2005. The allegations changed Türck’s life, which is why he retired for several years.

In 2012 he returned to the TV screen and presented the show “Abenteuer Leben” on kabel eins. Türck then devoted himself to his companies pilot Entertainment GmbH and BuzzBird GmbH. Since then, you’ve rarely seen him on TV.

Türck is privately committed to environmental protection and is one of the founding members of the organization Orange Ocean. He also discovered music for himself and takes his Instagram followers regularly in everyday life.


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