Britney Spears: she’s on cloud nine

Britney Spears
She floats on “cloud 9”

Britney Spears is free.

© A.PAES / Shutterstock

Britney Spears shares her first weekend of freedom with her fans on Instagram: champagne and gratitude.

Britney Spears (39) is celebrating her freedom after 13 years of tutelage from her father. On Instagram, she shared her first “terrific weekend” with her followers and wrote, among other things: “I felt like I was on cloud nine the whole time. I actually got my first glass of champagne in the most beautiful restaurant I have ever seen last night . “

Two months of party

And the party shouldn’t be over for a long time. Spears’ 40th birthday is on December 2nd. “I’m celebrating my freedom and my B-Day for the next two months,” she wrote with an exclamation point. “I mean after 13 years … I think I’ve waited ENOUGH !!” She also thanks her lawyer in the text for helping to change her life.

“All the love back to you”

She also feels great gratitude towards her fans: Most recently, she posted an ironic saying on the subject of friendship and wrote with lots of champagne emojis: “He’s stupid who does stupid !!! Life is like a box of chocolates … You never know what you’re getting !!! Cheers, all the love back to you, Guys. Thank you !!! “

After the singer had mental breakdowns, Britney Spears’ father was appointed by a court as her guardian in 2008. Since 2014, the mother of two is said to have tried to break free from this regulation.


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