Britney Spears: She’s not done with her parents yet

Britney Spears
She’s not done with her parents yet

Britney Spears has big plans after 13 years under tutelage.

© Kobby Dagan / Shutterstock

Britney Spears announces on Instagram that she wants to fight the corrupt system for other people from now on – and threatens her parents.

After the end of guardianship, Britney Spears (39) thanked her fans via social media. She also threatened her family with further details and has big plans.

After a great weekend with champagne, which she raved about on Instagram, the singer released a video, in which she addresses her fans directly. They would ask her what she plans to do now. “Very good question,” begins Spears and explains that at the moment she is mainly grateful for the little things: having the key to her car, having cash and being able to buy candles.

Britney wants to help other affected people

But with her new freedom she also has big plans: She wants to stand up for people with “real disabilities and real diseases” and change the corrupt system permanently. She hopes that her story will change something about that: “I’m a really strong woman, I can’t even imagine what the system did to these people.”

At the end of the video, Britney thanks the #FreeBritney movement: “Honestly, I think you saved my life in a way, one hundred percent.”

Threats against her parents

Britney also writes about the video that she would like to put things right with Oprah Winfrey – and threatens her parents. “I haven’t even mentioned all the bad things they did to me that they should all go to jail for – yes, my mother who goes to church, too !!! I’m used to peace for them Keep family and keep my mouth shut … But not this time … I haven’t forgotten anything and I hope you will see this tonight and know exactly what I mean. “


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