Britney Spears opens up about her teenage sons!

Britney Spears, singerGetty Images

How is the relationship between Britney Spears (41) and her sons really? Rumors keep coming that the relationship is quite difficult. Among other things, because the singer wrongly repeatedly makes negative statements about her family members. The underage boys are said to have even planned a move to Hawaii. This rumor leaves Britney not uncommented!

Britney Spears and her sons in 2013Getty Images

After a secret source revealed that Jayden (16) and Sean (17) want to move to Hawaii alone, the “Toxic” interpreter promptly reported back. In your Instagram-Story showed her with her husband Sam Asghari (29) and some close friends. The blonde noted that her teenage sons aren’t fans of being filmed. “My boys are at an age where I haven’t been able to film them for four years”she elaborated further.

Britney Spears, her kids and her niece at a barGetty Images

The musician refutes that she has no contact with her children. How Mirror reported that Britney last mentioned her sons in March 2021 – so it is understandable that there is speculation about radio silence. It is not known whether there is actually a move to Hawaii to the boys’ father Kevin Federline (45).

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari during an eventGetty Images

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