Britney Spears’ father wants to release the singer’s medical records

Britney Spears’ father wants to publish the singer’s medical records – to prove his own innocence

Britney Spears’ father Jamie asked the court to release his daughter’s sealed medical records so he could defend himself against allegations made against him


After the negotiation is before the negotiation. Britney Spears’ and her father’s lawyers are back in court. The current dispute flared up over the question of whether the singer’s medical records should be published.

Britney Spears’ guardianship has ended, but the legal battles surrounding it continue. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny on Wednesday granted a motion to end the singer’s nearly 14-year guardianship, specifically to protect her “right to privacy over her private medical information.” Jamie Spears previously asked for Britney’s sealed medical records to be released at the hearing so he could defend himself against allegations that he spied on her without her consent, the People portal reported.

$30 million claim

Penny also rejected Spears’ father’s request to withhold money from the assets previously under his administration through the guardianship because he still claims to be, as reported by the “Los Angeles Times”, which quotes from the court documents.

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The decisions came after a heated hearing that included finance and accounting issues, as well as requests from several former attorneys to collect attorneys’ fees. At Wednesday’s hearing, the entertainer’s attorney, Mathew Rosengart, who was instrumental in ending her guardianship in November, dismissed the notion that Spears should pay her father Jamie Spears’ estimated $30 million in legal fees while he acted as her wealth manager. Rosengart has also vehemently rejected Jamie’s attorney’s suggestion that the singer’s medical records be unsealed. In court filings, Rosengart fired off a stack of objections to Jamie Spears’ motions, accusing him of financial misconduct and other improper actions such as reading his 40-year-old daughter’s therapy notes and – actually strictly confidential – communicating with her attorneys.

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Tension continued in the courtroom on Wednesday as lawyers squabbled over alleged “lies” they believe were shaping public opinion about the case. Jamie Spears’ attorney, Alex M. Weingarten, has accused Rosengart of spreading fake stories to the media, reports including Variety, an allegation Rosengart vehemently denied.

In any case, the case does not appear to be close to a conclusion. Rosengart has requested that an evidence hearing be held on the accounting. The next major hearing in the case is scheduled for July 27 this year.

Sources: People, “Los Angeles Times”, Variety


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