Britney Spears and the nude photos: Critics forget a detail

scandal singer
Britney Spears and the Nudes: Those Who Criticize Her Miss an Important Detail

Britney Spears irritates some fans with her nude pictures

© Hahn Lionel/ABACA/Picture Alliance

Britney Spears is posting nude pics one after the other, and the first fans are already worried. It just shows what the singer had to go through.

Britney Spears has almost 50 million Instagram followers. An old hand on social media, one might think. And yet, like any inexperienced 08/15 user, the singer always posts the same pictures with different filters. Just that she’s famous. And these are nude photos. mental breakdown? An alarm signal? The first fans are already worried about the “Oops I did it again” singer.

Britney Spears and her nude pictures

Spears’ posting mania is only symbolic of her years of ordeal under her father’s tutelage. A detail that should not be forgotten when critically commenting on the singer’s decisions or even making fun of them: any free decision was forbidden to her for years. Like all of us, she wasn’t allowed to try Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any other channel that has long since disappeared.

Post pictures that are sure to be embarrassing later on. Use weird filters and build frames around the photos so that the grainy selfie is barely recognizable. Or post vignette images that looked a bit like driving down the freeway with cataracts. While the whole world fumbled through social media unsuspectingly, Spears was at home in her golden cage.

But now, 13 years after she was last free, Spears is free to do as she pleases. And at the moment these are just naked pictures with emojis on the most important parts of the body. And captions under their posts, which are far too long and not really legible.

“Free Britney” – literally

While a superstar like Selena Gomez has long given up control of her Instagram channel – voluntarily – and no longer posts herself, Britney Spears seems to enjoy being creative on the photo platform. The result is a bit reminiscent of 2012, but she is forgiven.

For many years, hardcore fans demonstrated and chanted “Free Britney”. To get upset about Britney being free now borders on hypocrisy.

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